Monday, October 19, 2009

First Quarter Outside Reading Book Review

First Quarter Outside Reading Book Review

The Battle of The Labyrinth by Rick Riordain. Hyperion Books, 2008. Genre: Fantasy Fiction

The Battle of The Labyrinth by Rick Riordain is the fourth book in a series of five books that is based around Greek mythology. This book is about a fourteen year old boy named Percy Jackson, who is the son of Poseidon, the water god, and due to that fact he has magical powers. Basically, Percy’s best friend Annabeth is sent out on a quest to the out the Labyrinth. Annabeth asks Percy, Tyson (Percy’s brother, which is a Cyclops), and Grover (Percy’s other friend) to go with her. The Labyrinth is an underground maze that is home to many mythological creatures. While down in the labyrinth, many unsuspecting things happen to these four.
"Look no further for the next Harry Potter, meet Percy Jackson, as legions of fans already have" -Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“I had no choice. I called to the sea. I reached inside myself and remembered the waves and the currents, the endless power of the ocean. And I let loose in one horrible scream.” This was a very important part of the story. This was when Percy was sent by Hephaestus to seek through Mt. Helens and see if anybody was there. When Percy was cornered by some of the gods, he went crazy and let out unbelievable power and blew up the whole entire mountain. That is why I chose this quote.

The author has a very good writing style. He has a way of keeping you engaged with the story. The story is written from a first-person point of view. It is as if you are in Percy Jackson’s body the whole story which makes it that much more interesting. At the end of each chapter, which is usually a good stopping point when reading a book, the author ends each chapter with you thinking what is going to happen next. That is a good quality because I didn’t want to put the book down at all!

“As we ran, I could hear the disorganized sounds of an entire army trying to jump out of the stands and follow us.” That was the last sentence in one of the chapters. Now, if you’ve been reading this book and a big action scene starts to happen in a chapter and then all of a sudden the chapter ends but the action resumes on the next chapter, of course you’re going to keep reading! It is also very hard to stop in the middle of a chapter so when you start the next chapter, of course your going to finish it. So this made you not want to ever put the book down.

I am a huge fan of Rick Riordain’s books. In fact, I have now read the first four books in his series of five and I hope to read the fifth one very soon. If I had to give his books a rating on a scale of one to five stars, I would give him 5 stars. So in conclusion, I would recommend this book to a reader of any type due to the fact that this book was insanely good!

*****- Five Stars

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Value Essay

A Workout Can Take A Rest Every Now And Then

The definition of value is the estimated or assigned worth of an object. If you can't put a price tag on something can it have value? According to this definition, a priceless moment can't have value because you can't "assign worth" to it. But in all reality, somethings that are priceless, are actually more valueable to us even if they aren't worth any money! So if you think about it, this definition isn't actually one-hundred percent true!

I brush my teeth and I put in my mouthwash. I swish and gargle and swish and gargle and then spit out into the sink. I put in my elastics which are going to help straighten out my teeth. Then I walk out of the bathroom and turn to my right and see my favorite room of the house, my bedroom. I walk into my room and turn to my bureau. I open up the drawer and take out a pair of shorts and take off my clothes from the day and put on my nice comfy basketball shorts.

I take a dive onto the queen size bed I have in my room. As soon as I hit the mattress, its blankets wrap around me and I feel as if I’m in the clouds. Maybe I’ll pull my Ipod off its docking station and listen to a couple tunes. That’s only if I’m not very tired or exhausted. Sometimes listening to my Ipod takes my mind off the world. But let’s get back to the main picture here. My bed is probably my favorite valuable possession I have. It weighs in around five hundred smackaroos but too me, it is worth every penny.

My bed helps me rest and get away from the world after a long, hardworking day of school. Sometimes I will do a little late night texting but I’ll call it a night when I start seeing three phones in my hand. When I turn on my fan, get under all the blankets and try to conserve my body heat as best as possible, I start feeling thankful for living the way I do. I get to sleep in a queen size bed in a nice warm, insulated and heated house with a good family. My bed, is definitely my most favorite possession due to the fact that it lets me relax, get away from everything, and it let’s me think about what’s going on in my life.

I’m sitting at my desk doing my homework, when I hear the front door unlock and the boots start walking down the hall. I already know what’s coming in about five minutes. I see my dad walk into his bedroom and I can hear getting changed out of his D.O.C. uniform and into a pair of running shorts and a white t-shirt. He walks into the room I’m doing my homework and all he says is “you down?” Now after working out with my dad so many times, and him saying the same phrase every time he wants to workout, I already know what he means. No explanation is needed. So I moan and groan but I manage to get out “sure...” I tell him not to start without me and he says ok. I run up to my room and I get my school clothes off and I throw on a pair of beat-up shorts and a white t-shirt. I throw my phone on my bed and run down downstairs into the basement. As always, he is waiting for me.

We start off with our ritual, of doing anywhere between fifty to one hundred perfect push-ups on the carpet. Then we move into the weight room. He starts off on the all in one gym first and I pick up the always reliable curl bar. The bar has fifteen pounds on each side of it which adds up to thirty pounds. Add that with the bar and it is around thirty-five to forty pounds I am curling. I usually do thirty to seventy reps with that. Then when my dad is done with the all in one gym I move onto it and he does wrist curls. I will most likely either bench-press or do pull downs. When I am done with those, I will finish off the work-out with probably thirty wrist curls and chug down a bottle of water.

Now, working-out with my dad isn’t just a time to get stronger. It is one of the only times me and my dad actually talk man-to-man. This would be the time when I tell him if I have any problems. My dad is a hard-working man and is actually a lieutenant for the Connecticut Department of Correction at the Osborne Correctional Institution. Due to the fact that this is one of the few times my dad and I get a chance to talk man-to-man. This is definitely my most favorite priceless moment I will ever have in my life.

So after a long day of school and working out, my bed is definitely the place my body deserves to be. My body needs rest and it is exhausted. So even though working out may make my body soar and a long day of school may make me exhausted, my bed balances out everything. A nice comfortable long night of sleep takes away the soreness in my body and gets me ready for the next day ahead of me.

So in conclusion, my most favorite valuable possession is definitely my bed and that weighs in around five hundred dollars. My most favorite priceless moment is working out with my dad. No doubt about that. So when I hear the door open, and the boots walking ‘round, I know it’s time to get ready, and hear the good old phrase, “you down?”